The human people's gratitude or the Filial
Now, I am talking about the human people's gratitude or the Filial.
And I am just speaking a little bit about the filial piety.
I want to tell a story about a people past time when this people was at a very young ages.
This child was all loved and treated and behavioral and fed so very especially loved and nice and kind and carefully by this child's grand parents and parents.
The child grand parents were all love the child so much in all of the child's activities. When the child slept, the grand parents eventually served manually fans cool wind condition to the child very carefully. That was just because at past time, the house has not got a electrically fan or they did not want to use them, because that was a very past time when the society was not popularly of electrical equipment devices.
The grand parents loved the child so much. The Grand parents knew that the child was all loved to have mangoes fruits very much. And every morning, from the very early dawn days, the grand parents went with the child to pick up many fresh and pure and very sweet and delicious and tasted fruits right under the mango trees with just only a little old light lite oil torch.
The little child also loved and respected and treated and helped and told and was behavioral nice and kind and was very thankfully a lot to the grand parents so much.
When the grandparents served the child the cool fan windy condition, then the child also wanted to offer the grand parents the manual cool windy fan atmosphere environment too. But all of them were never tired or got stressfully or upset or angry to each other at all.
And they were all loving and harmony and wonderfully and calmly and freshly and purely and innocently and not thinking or having no thought.
They lived very peacefully together and wonderfully and gentle in the little child past time.
The grand parents were always adapted nearly every requirement or desire of the little child.
The little child also loved the grand parents very much so that the young child never wanted or caused anything which the little child knew that they were over costs or too expensive or difficult or hard or troublesome to the grand parents.
The little child was sometimes innocent eventually foolish in some very difficult hard solution solvency problems in the very complex modern technics. In these cases, certainly the grand parents took their ability and powerfully influent commands and instructed the others much more intelligent or clever or smarter human to help and aid and teach and solve the child's problems very understandably.
The child was quite agreed and obeying and respecting and helpful the grand parents in their small works, too.
When the child wanted a story book or a doll, then of course the grand parents bought that book or that toy for the child immediately. The child was very pleased and loving the grand parents a lot then too.
And there were much and more of things which the grand parents loved to serve the child. And the child also loved and pleased and estimated and lived innocently and calculated and solved the child's requirements and costs to make them nice and wonderfully and ever be peacefully living innocently together without any thought at all.
The child loved and respected and thanked for the grand parents a lot in the little child's mind. And they were all loving each other so much innocently and living together without any worry.
There are a lot of more and more we have not listed here, etc., and so on.... That was the very innocently wonderful past....
So what is the Filial piety.
When the little child grow up, that mature human was all loved at first by everyone.
But because this human responsibilities in this life is that this people must train and teach and serve and refrain the society people the knowledge and the moral virtue doctrines education but this human has not finished their jobs or the social works or the training teaching careers yet so that this people has to be well retrained.
Every time, this human people see or meet or live with an opposite genital gender people, then the child very respects and sees them as the child's grand parents, and this mature puberty human is never lost control or bad thoughts eventually.
The human child should not ever have bad treatment or cause evils to the grand parents.
That is because of the Confucianism Five Moral Virtue Constant Methodologies of Life Styles at all.
And those are the eight original innocently primary eight nice kind generous elegy loved virginal virtue ethics behaviors standards rules respecting the patriarch(s) (aristocrats; Greek: pate_ archein; French: Patriciat) orders from the best moral virtue ones to the better moral virtue ones to the lower usual ones of respecting gentle behaviors rules from the past original ancient ancestors training teaching doctrines of the humane beings.
These standards way of lives are just similar to a natural water fall flow of water direction from the highest place (the original primary high sky) to the lower underneath places. It is just the same as the water spring stream flowing direction of movements.
And this the ranging order of respectabilities from the best to the better to the usual.
We all have to respect and obey and nice to the best moral ordered commanding virtue innocent lotus like ethics training teaching doctrines instructions at first of all.
And the best moral virtue ones are always loving and generous and compassionately tragic elegy and abandon and forgiveness and abiding and bearing and retraining and educating and refraining and teaching and adding and helping and saving and salvation and redeeming and feeding and growing and supporting all of their follower order beings and things constantly forever the same as this innocent lotus flower like moral virtue order anyway whenever the follower ones respect the original innocent virtue behavior moral ethic standard of doctrines teachings.
Thank you very much for reading and studying this lecture.
Good bye,
Au re voir,
Tai Chen,
Xie Xie,
Tam Biet.
With So Much of Love to All.
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