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The Curing Treatment Therapy After A Hunger Starvation or Entire Thirsty Duration
The Curing Treatment Therapy After A Hunger Starvation or Entire Thirsty Duration
The Curing Treatment Therapy After A Hunger Starvation or Entire Thirsty DurationThis is the very important notice that:
The people who are hungry or thirsty because of no eating or no drinking for a period of time, this cognition is when they have not eaten or gotten drinking-water for a long time. When they want to be like usual, they should do the following steps first of all (remember that you must only eat or drink at the meal time table and just only once or twice a day at all):
A. First of all: eating (drinking small drops) pure – warm water firstly by a small cafe spoon (used for babies feeding) in some days.
B. The Second step: secondly having by a small cafe spoon slowly (used for babies feeding), having for weeks, this mixture is actual much of water at all (<-please remembering the word “water”).
Eating (drinking small drops) warm boiled – well – cooked – cereals – mixture – waters (called porridge water mixture or plain rice gruel water mixture or cereals hail water mixture).
Please do not use the Absolute-Faked-Artificial Synthesized Chemical thing if possible, but you can have them if they are suitable for you, please take care.
C. The Third step: having by a small cafe spoon (used for babies feeding), having for weeks, eating (drinking small drops) warm boiled – well – cooked – cereals – mixture, <-please remembering the word “mixture” (called porridge mixture or plain rice gruel mixture or cereals hail mixture, <-please remembering the word “mixture”).
Please do not use the Absolute-Faked-Artificial Synthesized Chemical thing if possible, but you can have them if they are suitable for you, please take care.
D. The Fourth step: having by a small cafe spoon (used for babies feeding), having for “weeks” (used for babies eating), please do not eat much (<-please remembering the phrase “do not eat much”), eating warm boiled – well – cooked – cereals – mixture (called porridge mixture or plain rice gruel mixture or cereals hail mixture), please do not use the industrial factory pre-cooked ones if possible, but you can have them if they are suitable for you, please take care.
E. The Fifth step: having by a small cafe spoon (used for babies feeding), having for “weeks”, eating warm boiled – well – cooked – cereals – mixture (called porridge mixture or plain rice gruel mixture or cereals hail mixture), please eat enough only (<-please remembering the phrase “eat enough only”).
Please do not use the Absolute-Faked-Artificial Synthesized Chemical thing if possible, but you can have them if they are suitable for you, please take care.
To this step, you can have a little bit of some kind of ground well-boiled-cooked till mixture of fruits (well-boiled-cooked till mixture is preferably better <-please remembering the words “little” and “mixture”): like coconut, jeegujje (geegujje, bread fruit, moraceae arto carpus altilis, arbol de pan, fruta de pan, panaben, beta nim balu, yovotevi, mazapan, shelisheli, ratadel, sukunjuru,… well_boiled_cooked till mixture), Toddy Arecaceae Palm tree (Palmyra Palm, Talousriksha, Borassus, Borassus Flabellifer,… well_boiled_cooked till mixture), Nypa Fruticans (Attap Palm, Nipa Palm, Nypoideae, Nipa arborescens wurmb ExH, well_boiled_cooked till mixture), date palm fruits (Phonenix dactylifera Palm, arecaceae date palm,… well_boiled_cooked till mixture), etc… and so on…
F. The Sixth step: having by a small cafe spoon (used for babies eating), having for “weeks”, eating warm boiled – well – cooked – cereals – mixture (called porridge mixture or plain rice gruel mixture or cereals hail mixture), please eat enough only (<-please remembering the phrase “eat enough only”).
Please do not use the Absolute-Faked-Artificial Synthesized Chemical thing if possible, but you can have them if they are suitable for you, please take care.
To this step, you can have an additional little bit of some kind of ground well-boiled-cooked till mixture of fruits (well-boiled-cooked till mixture is preferably better <-please remembering the words “little” and “mixture”): like coconut, jeegujje (well_boiled_cooked till mixture), Palmyra Palm (well_boiled_cooked till mixture), Nypa Fruticans (well_boiled_cooked till mixture), date palm fruits (well_boiled_cooked till mixture), jack fruits (well_boiled_cooked till mixture), appricot (well_boiled_cooked till mixture), Lichee : Peaches : Guavas : Avocado : Persimmon : custards : Papaya : Sappodilar : Plums : Cherries : Pomelo : GreenGage : Nectarine : Cantaloupe : Apricot : Honey Dews Melon : Arto Carpus : Marian Nensis : Mein Padahk : Chebiei : Peach : Pear : Water Melon : Mango : Blue Berry : Black Berry : Straw Berry : Rasp Berry : Apple : Prunus Rosaceae : Canta Loupe (all of these are well_boiled_cooked till mixture), … and so on… (all of these are well_boiled_cooked till mixture), …
G. The Seventh step: having by a small cafe spoon (used for babies eating), having for “weeks”, eating warm boiled – well – cooked – cereals – mixture (called porridge mixture or plain rice gruel mixture or cereals hail mixture), please eat enough only (<-please remembering the phrase “eat enough only”).
Please do not use the Absolute-Faked-Artificial Synthesized Chemical thing if possible, but you can have them if they are suitable for you, please take care.
To this step, you can have an additional little bit of some kind of ground well-boiled-cooked till mixture of fruits (well-boiled-cooked till mixture is preferably better <-please remembering the words “little” and “mixture”): like coconut, jeegujje (well_boiled_cooked till mixture), Palmyra Palm (well_boiled_cooked till mixture), Nypa Fruticans (well_boiled_cooked till mixture), date palm fruits (well_boiled_cooked till mixture), jack fruits (well_boiled_cooked till mixture), appricot (well_boiled_cooked till mixture), Lichee : Peaches : Guavas : Avocado : Persimmon : custards : Papaya : Sappodilar : Plums : Cherries : Pomelo : Green Gage : Nectarine : Cantaloupe : Apricot : Honey Dews Melon : Arto Carpus : Marian Nensis : Mein Padahk : Chebiei : Peach : Pear : Water Melon : Mango : Blue Berry : Black Berry : Straw Berry : Rasp Berry : Apple : Prunus Rosaceae : Canta Loupe (all of these are well_boiled_cooked till mixture), … and so on… (all of these are well_boiled_cooked till mixture), …
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