Chinese Translation Name from Many Angels Fairies _ Bodhisattva _ Buddha _ Dharma _ Saint
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Chinese Translation Name from Many Angels Fairies _ Bodhisattva _ Buddha _ Dharma _ Saint
I am not a native Chinese, and it seems to be so. But when I am seeing that the Chinese Culture and Chinese at all, and especially the Chinese Ancient Ancestor Dharma Training Methodologies were forgot, and also much of the Chinese Sutras. I might call those named “Smart Way of Chinese Translation Names from Many Angels Fairies, Bodhisattva, Buddha, Dharma, Saint, and etc., on” and after some of my research all around, I can say that I did not study so very carefully. But I found that actually, all of the Fairy, Angels, and Bodhisattva, Buddhas, Saints, ... those are just the primal exact copies translation named of all of the Western Angel Fairies primarily and the Euro-Indian Dharma (Aryan Euro Languages) at the primal. In my opinion, I think that the Chinese Characters are hardly to learn, so it is difficult to be changed recently, I think so....
The Grander Mother Earth = the Gaia = the Maia = the Athena = the Atlas = Địa Mẫu =土德帝君.
The Grander Mother Plant = the Grander Mother Forest = Thần cây hay Hamadryad (tiếng Hy Lạp: Ἁμαδρυάδες, Hamadryádes) = nymph phutón φυτεύω ; Mộc Công = 木德帝君 = Đông Hoa Đế Quân = the Pelopomeses Neda Appollonopolis Magna.
The Grander Mother Water = Naiads = Ναϊάδες = Maha Vajra Uttara =水德帝君.
The Grander Mother Beneficent Jewelry Moral Saint = The Grander Mother Virtue Golden Angel = Dieu Tri Kim Mau = the Aurum Brightening Augustinus = The Aphrodite = Maha Vaijra Sangkalaya Pretyang Gire Rajaya (Sanskrit) = The Pretty Lightening Ancient Ancestor Grander God = Diêu Trì Kim Mẫu (瑤池金母), Tây Vương Kim Mẫu (西王金母).
The Grander Mother Fire = Hephaestus = Pyra Pyrokenesis (Iris Isis) = Than Lua = Hoa Cong De Quan =火德帝君.
The Grander Mother Moon = Hellene = 嫦姮娥太阴星君 = Hang Nga Tien Tu.
The Grander Mother Sun = the Helios = the Phoebus = the Sun = 太阳星君 = Thai Duong Tinh Quan = Thái dương thần nữ (Amaterasu Oomikami (天照大御神) là một vị thần tối cao trong Thần đạo (Shintou), also known as Amaterasu-Ōmikami or Ōhirume-no-Muchi-no-Kami among other names, is the goddess of the sun in Japanese).
The Grander Mother Food = Hestia = Vesta = the Fraunus Pan = Táo Quân (灶君); Táo Vương (灶王) hay Ông Táo.
The Grander Mother of Talented Intelligence = the Maha Saraswati = Cong Duc Thien Than = Than Tai (財神 Tài thần).
The Grander Mother Cereals = the Demeter = Keres = Ceres = Thần Nông (phồn thể: 神農, giản thể: 神农) (3220 TCN—3080 TCN), còn được gọi là Thần Nông thị (神農氏).
The Grander Adam = Bàn Cổ (tiếng Trung phồn thể: 盤古; giản thể: 盘古; bính âm: Pángǔ).
The Grander Eva = the Grander Grand Newar (Nepalese) = Thai Thuong Huyen Nu = Nu Oa Nuong Nuong = the Aphrodite = the Venus = Nữ Oa (女媧), hay Nữ Oa thị (女媧氏), Oa Hoàng (媧皇), Nữ Hi thị (女希氏), tục gọi là Nữ Oa nương nương (女媧娘娘).
The Grander Hercules = Heracles = the Grander of Strength = Huynh Can Luc Si = 章 黄巾力士.
The Aryan Eritrean hÉireann Indian Egyptian Asian Ancestors Ancient Grander Master Sanctuary Fairy Angel = the Avalokiteshwara Bodhisattva = the Maha Sahasra Bhuje Sahasra Sirse Koti Sata Sahasra Netre Bodhisattva = the Qwan Shir Yin Pu Sa = 觀世音菩薩 Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva = đức Quán Thế Âm Bồ-tát Ma ha tat.....
The Hell Angel = Hades = Yama (Diêm Vương) = Diêm Ma La Già (chữ Hán: 閻魔羅闍, dịch âm từ tiếng Phạn "यमराज" Yamarāja - Quả ma nhật hạ), gọi tắt là Diêm La vương (閻羅王) hoặc Diêm vương (閻王).
Etc ....
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Namah Shakya Mouni Buddha.
Nam mo Awalokiteshwara Bodhisattwa Mahasattwa maha karunikaya karuna Tadyatha.
Aum, Mouniye, Maha Mouniye, Swaha.