Corona Virus (exactly flu influenza or high /low blood pressure syndrome statement, the corona or covid-19 pandemic are just exactly some cold or flu influenza) Smart Curing Therapy Treatment
Toa Thuoc dieu tri benh Corona Toa thuốc trị bệnh cảm nắng và cảm lạnh (exactly flu influenza or high /low blood pressure syndrome statement, the corona or covid-19 pandemic are just exactly some cold or flu influenza): (exactly flu influenza or high /low blood pressure syndrome statement, the corona or covid-19 pandemic are just exactly some cold or flu influenza) hieu qua nhat hien nay
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Recommendation for all the world health care labours or post graduate students and so many south east asian health care workers and especially for the Vietnamese who can speak English well or very well :) cheers!!! thank you!
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I did go on for a joke about the live broadcasting media! he he he! In fact, we 've done lively on the air from numerous radio stations since the very early 1960s in the USA and from all around the world a few years later. I did make a story-telling about the instability of many live broadcasting systems like youtube servers, radio stations, TVs, internet, phone calls, etc.,... So, please be calm down again from these "virtual problems" or "magical troubles", he he he, since THEY ARE ALL OK, AND ACTUALLY, THEY ARE ALL HAPPENING AND TRANSMITTING EVERY SINGLE MOMENT NOWADAYS AND FOR THE FUTURE. YES, FOR REAL, THEY ARE SAFE AND ABSOLUTELY OK AND ALRIGHT. CHEERS, MERCI AND BY THE WAY, PLEASE TAKE A LOOK AT THE INTERNET LIVE BROADCASTING BUSINESS GOODS SELLERS OR DAILY ONLINE CONSUMER STUFFS DEALERS ON TIME LIVE ON AT EVERY SINGLE MOMENT EVERYWHERE IN THE WORLD! CHEERS AND THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR UR READING AND WATCHING THEM! WELL, MERCI.....
Corona Virus (exactly flu influenza or high /low blood pressure syndrome statement, the corona or covid-19 pandemic are just exactly some cold or flu influenza) Smart Curing Therapy Treatment
It is a really fresh pure greening diet therapy and a holy generous compassionate nice humane religious life-style.
Please try to do some physical bandhani equivalent similarity asana practices for your best health daily (Yoga Asana Physical Exercise Practice). Thanks so much.
There is an ancient aristocrat scholar told his students to make only an advertising panel for his death like this: "Please understand that I cannot take anything after I die except something that I did and taught and researched and aided and helped and left for everyone's life for now and in the future... It is what I get when I die and they make me happy at the moment and forever... So that I m very pleased to see them since my death... Thank you for everyone because of everything..."
Please click on here for Free Heal Curing Sound Download (Click this link).
Free Heal Curing Sound I don't know if they are correct:
Please try to do some physical bandhani equivalent similarity asana practices for your best health daily (Yoga Asana Physical Exercise Practice). Thanks so much.
"Some western people and some Islamic Muslims' people in the past did not get into any trouble or matter at all. I remember about that time, in the year 2000, yeah. That is correct. My dear wonderful teacher is a Nordic Ethnical Blonde People who lived in Calgary, Canada in the 2000s. And his family got two Iranian Adopted Sons from the Islamic Muslims community. They loved each other a lot. Although, our teacher and his wife have got two very wonderful sons, yes, and their sons are very smart and nice also. They were very lovely and love each other till then with so much of jokes and very well and lovely and harmony.
But then there was something wrong with the newspapers in the last decades of the twentieth century, I mean the tabloids news and some Pulp Fictions caused the wrong opinions and misunderstanding about some Islamic Muslims' people and some Western people nowadays from that time or that year till now. These problems sometimes come from misunderstanding and wrong cognition heed recognition from the "hot tabloids news" or some Pulp Fictions. And now, internet transmission and telephony are much more popular everywhere, and much more easily. And it is the hardest problem. I think so somehow. I think the main problem is the misunderstanding or misuse or mis-spelling or missing words or the wrong cognition heed meaning suppose nowadays. I mean the Taliban did not destroy the Buddha statue. It is the time ruining or the effect of natural destruction in a very far place like this because it is from the very ancient time till now. OK, thanks to everyone".
「quán thế âm bồ tát diệu nan thù,
thanh cảnh trang nghiêm luỹ kiếp tu,
tam thập nhị ứng thiên trần sát,
bách thiên vạn kiếp hoá diêm phù,
bình trung cam lộ thường biến sái,
thủ nội dương chi bất kế thu,
thiên xứ kỳ cầu thiên xứ ứng,
khổ hải thường tác độ nhân chu.」
「quán thế âm bồ tát diệu nan thù,
thanh cảnh trang nghiêm luỹ kiếp tu,
tam thập nhị ứng thiên trần sát,
bách thiên vạn kiếp hoá diêm phù,
bình trung cam lộ thường biến sái,
thủ nội dương chi bất kế thu,
thiên xứ kỳ cầu thiên xứ ứng,
khổ hải thường tác độ nhân chu.」
Nam mo Amitabha Buddha.
Namah Qwan shir yin pu sa. Qwan yin's just been caring for the whole publicity and never for the sound but the humane is ok and nice generous, and without any suspicious, doubt, or official legal legacy limitations just even a little bit. Thanks qwan yin with our best gratitude again and again the greatest pu sa... cheers and bye....
And this is my own teaching rite now hi hi hi please try to understand everything, words and spelling like ur own ways those are the best suit, comfortable for u and beneficent to the whole community here and now, please... So many Cheers... Thank you everybody anyway and cheering again and again...
... xie xie ... Many jokes today... hi hi hi ... thank you so much at all...
Bệnh do sát nghiệp khởi gây.
Ăn chay, bố đức, phổ truyền lòng nhân.
Thiên hạ thái bình không kiếp nạn.
Hà sầu thế giới khởi đao binh?
Lo rầu tan biến người người tốt.
TỪ BI HỶ XẢ sống công tâm.
Lòng dịu hiền lương sanh trí sáng.
Hảo nhân hoà nhã thế gian vui....
Thế giới bình an phi thống khổ,
Tuân lời Phật Thánh tĩnh tâm hiền....
Please click here for Free Heal Curing Sound Download (Click this link).
Free Heal Curing Sound I don't know if they are correct:

Life is just like a dream. But whenever you can make others lovely generous and pleased. Then you 'll be gradually cheering and fine also.
It really works. So you don't have to be worried anymore, It will be very easy for all of you when you all know about this.
Kinh công hạo lực bất tư nghị
Hồi hướng thập phương chư Thánh chúng
Nguyện kiến chân tâm cầu sám hối
Hà sa tội chướng tiêu tai trừ
Sám hối chúng đẳng
Tự tùng nẵng kiếp nãi chí kim sinh
Giả hỏa phong địa thủy đi thành hình
Luyến hương vị sắc sinh nhi xúc pháp
Tham sân tật đố, ác khẩu vọng ngôn
Sát đạo tà dâm, tư tình túng dục
Nghịch nhục phụ mẫu, bội phụ quân sư
Bất kính thiên địa thần chi
Ha phong mạ vũ
Bất tín tội phúc nhân quả
Muội lí khi tâm
Toại trí báo đối thăng trầm
Luân hồi triển chuyển
Thọ chư khổ não
Vô hữu hưu đình
Giai do nhất niệm chi sai
Chướng mê tự tỉnh
Vọng nhận lục trần chi huyễn
Trầm nịch ái hà
Kim nhi kí hoạch nhân thân
Thao thân chính giáo
Khởi phi thiên sinh khánh hạnh
Nhất đán tao phùng tự hợp tỉnh tâm
Tảo cầu độ thế
Nhược phù tự tiền lưu đãng, tất cánh mê thất bản lai
Nhất đọa minh đồ
Hóa vi di loại
Thị cố, tư trầm luân khổ phát thanh tịnh tâm
Quy phụng thánh chân
Đặc cầu sám hối
Kí lân ngu muội
Nguyên xá tội khiên
Giả thích báo oan
Quyên tiêu ma chướng
Sở kí mệnh phùng xương vận
Danh chú đan dài
Tế ngộ chân sư
Thân văn chí đạo
Tinh tu diệu hạnh
Tăng trưởng thiện nha
Tẫn tiết huyền môn
Di thần chân cảnh
Tha nhật vận ứng diệt độ
Tự tính bất trí hôn mê
Kính sinh thập thiện chi gia
Năng thông túc mệnh
Hoàn chứng thượng thừa chi đạo
Thừa thị hư hoàng thượng
Nguyện chân phong phi điên, đạo hóa hưng hành
Nguyện hung ác hóa hiền, tà ma quy chính
Nguyện binh hình võng trách, linh ngữ không nhàn
Nguyện trầm trệ thăng thiên, oan thù hóa thích
Nguyện tham huyền học giả ngộ đạo thành chân
Nguyện lịch kiếp tông thân câu giai siêu độ
Nguyện lịch thế sư hữu đồng đăng chân thường
Nguyện sở hữu quyến duyên tăng sùng phúc huệ
Nguyện sở thương vật mệnh tảo sinh nhân thiên
Nguyện tuyệt thực tửu huân bất tương sát hại
Nguyện trì thân đoan chánh bất lí tà dâm
Nguyện ất phá san tham tất trừ hiểm tuấn
Nguyện ngôn vô cuống vọng, hành quý chân thành
Nguyện nhược kỉ nhiêu nhân tiềm nhẫn phẫn nộ
Nguyện từ tâm hạ khí cung kính nhất thiết
Nguyện bất đọa biên di bất tùy tà kiến
Nguyện kết giao tiên hữu thê tập thanh hư
Nguyện trí tuệ khai minh thần thông khôi khuếch
Nguyện quảng hành phương tiên phổ tế độ quần sinh
Nguyện vĩnh đoạn chấp mê hàm quy chí đạo
Trầm kiếp hữu tận, ngã nguyện vô cùng (3 lần)
Đoan vọng
Đế chân khúc thủy tế độ, quy mệnh lễ tạ
Vô thượng hư hoành chí chân tam bảo
Nhất giả nhất nhân hữu khánh
Nhị giả nhị cảnh tề minh
Tam giả tam nông lạc nghiệp
Tứ giả tứ tự hòa bình
Ngũ giả ngũ từ củng cố
Lục giả lục hợp trừng thanh
Thất giả thất tinh lâm chiếu
Bát giả bát tiết an ninh
Cửu giả cửu tuyền khai thái
Thập giả thập loại sinh thành
Thập nhất giả phúc lưu thiện tín
Thập nhị giả đại đạo hưng hành
Nhất thiết chúng Thánh lưu ân
Nhất thiết hữu tình lại thiện
Nhất thiết chính quả thành chân
Phổ thiên quân lạc
Tứ hải đồng xuân
Văn kinh ngộ đạo- Tội diệt phúc sinh (3 lần)
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朕居金阙 燮理权衡 痌瘝在抱 眷顾苍生
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Tam thế nhất thiết Phật.
Ưng quán pháp giới tánh.
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Whenever everyone studying these things from the PC(s) computer or Laptop. But please not be so very sticky or stay in only one 1 place forever. In order to avoid so many diseases or viruses or illnesses or weakness from the effects of unactivities and not moving for a long time. Các vị cố gắng dung co ngoi 1 cho de bi benh lam, moi nguoi ngoi mot 1 cho o van phong hay ban lam viec deu co ao uoc duoc di ra ngoai thien nhien bao la, rong rai, thoang mat, sach se, xinh tuoi, mat me, dep de do, … Thanks so much..
Thanks so much please widely transmit our excellent curing therapy for the actual covid 19 (exactly flu or high /low blood pressure syndrome statement) to the whole world now to help as many others as possible, everywhere.
It is really very effective. So you don’t have to be worried anymore, It will be very easy for all of you when you all know about this.
Thank you very and very much for all of your kind smart support and noticed.
:b ☘
Thân. Cheers.
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Free copy and distribution anyway with many thanks!!!
ReplyDeleteIf u re OK then i ll be OK. If i m OK THEN U RE OK. So please be OK. When u and i and everybody are OK, then everything will be OK at all.... thank you very much... cheers... and bye bye.... au revoir.... and mercie... tai chen xie xie and sayonara xin tam biet...
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, i want to tell u that sometimes, i m making some spelling or grammatical mistakes in some of my paragraphs all around... they are coming from my, in fact, i dont understand about them correctly, so please pardon and forgive me by a chance... for all of my writing errors please, thank you very much, bye.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely Free Copy and quite free distribution anyway... thank you very much...
ReplyDeletePlease distribute anyway, and I suggest that please copy and paste, and copy and paste all of and full of my paragraphs here, the full entire lectures without missing anything, any word at all, at this site and freely widespread to the whole without any constraint or without any limitation anyway... Please try to understand and protect its original primal meaning as much as possible. The most exact action is copying the whole full complete lecture rite here as it is. And they are all free. Thank you very much and mercie... Au revoir...
ReplyDeleteNah maste __/\__ ! Thank you everybody... Please listen to our US. CA. Standford University old Ph.D Post Master Graduated Research Teacher BHAGHAWATIYE SARASWATI for her lectures.... Those are her actual presents for the whole world NOW... And please RECORD them to MP3 sound files format and give them to as many people as possible. They will benefit for all. Those are her help for the human being rite now.... Thank you very and very much our respective grandeur, Bhagawathiye Saraswati... Your nice helpful boons are always appreciated and benevolent at all... Cheers and thankful....
"...: it is not your body's sick... It is just: your finger is broken and since your finger is broken, it is hurted when you take your finger’s touches: ‘so that you feel sorrow and injured’.....”
Thanks our grandeur... Mer cei, and au revoir, bye bye...
ReplyDeleteThe Earth KING Treasure Store MAHA BODHISATTWA HELPFUL MIRACLE BENEVOLENT HELP SUTRAM ENGLISH77777.... Absolutely quite free of charge for all everyone right here please... thank you very much for these kind help: The Earth KING Treasure Store MAHA BODHISATTWA HELPFUL MIRACLE BENEVOLENT HELP SUTRAM ENGLISH download link:
ReplyDeleteAnother quite absolutely free miracle sutram books deposte link is: please completely free for everybody anyway....
ReplyDeleteNAM MO TỨ THẬP NHỊ CHƯƠNG KINH, NA MÔ DI GIÁO KINH, NA MÔ CHƯ KINH TẬP YẾU KINH, NAMAH SHURANGAMA SUTRAM, namah avatamsaka sutram, saddharma pundarika sutram, Ksitigarbha sutram, vairochana sutram, ushnisha vijaya dharani sutram, Saddharma lankāvatāra sutram,... OAUHM NAHMA OAUHM, ....
ReplyDeleteActually, the world is getting some accidents just because many of the past ancient monk or nun or maseur or doctrine scholar or madame or religious leader or dean leader are living and just having some troubles in their places or with their bad wealthy conditions or their very hard lives.... thank you for all... merci... bye and au revoir....
ReplyDeleteAt this present, sometimes, there are some traditional herbal medical doctors, perform their ways of our ancient methodology curing treatment on some sorts of sicknesses, which the herbal doctor even doesnt need to appear closely to the patients only if the illed ones very smartly understand their doctor ’s strictly instructions and guidelines. In some cases, whenever the patients ‘ve got some nurses’ support or aiding, then the nurses or the medical servers should carefully follow our traditional herbal medical doctor ‘s guides or help or instructions and warning. The patients will be OK when they very strictly obey and understand and relax like our traditional doctor ’s exact guidance.
ReplyDeleteNah maste! Namah MAHA PARI NIRVANA SUTRAM.....
FOR MANY MORE PURE SANSKRIT DEVANAGARI Scripts OR SANSKRIT PHONETIC VOWELS DOCUMENTARY, PLEASE TAKE A LOOK AT THE UNIVERSITY OF THE WEST WEBSITE AT: uwest on the internet, bye and cheers,.... thank you very much and much and much,... hi.... hi.... merci and au revoir,... thanks for all,... he,... bye...bye,... thank you for our ancient ayuveda curing therapy, it is just exactly like our traditional Vietnamese pure fresh herbal and fruity and fruits and plants and many of vn traditional ancient physical (e.i.: cutting out just a very little tiny bit of our poisonous dark harmful blood small spot; massage our sickness illed body parts with some sorts of clean tools sometimes going on along with a little herbal oil; or absorbable closed sauna bathing with some very hot good herbal boiling steaming up water vapour; or use very tiny cleaned little sharp needles and devices with some suitable physical energy (sometimes hot, sometimes cool) going on along with a few herbal medicine and chemical substance; or really very hot vacuum pumping hard cups of glasses; or some types of hard rocky stones; and mind matter curing method,... ) and chemical doctorial science. I m really lazy to tell them all. Actually I can do them all, but I dont have a chance to perform and apply these jobs. Thank you very and very much, xin tam biet, bye bye,....
ReplyDeletePlease remember about this statement: No desire, no need, no requirement, no wanting, it is the best way of existence, completion and performance in order to live on in usual life.
ReplyDeleteXin được giải thích một số từ ngữ:
C.I.A: central Intelligence AGENCY, Cục tính toán dự báo TW QUỐC GIA MỸ có thể tương đương với CỤC THỐNG KÊ TW tạm hiểu.
F.B.I: federal bereau of investigation, CỤC ĐIỀU TRA LIÊN BANG CHÍNH LÀ CẢNH SÁT ÍK, official policemen....
Làm gì phải sợ chứ, hi hi hi ha ha...
Không phải là gián điệp nội bộ hay là gây hại cho bất cứ một ai đâu.... HỌ CHỈ THỰC THI “LAW” THUI.... bye, bye,....
DeleteIt is the GOD ‘ S decision....
DeleteThey obey the us local official laws and have strictly realized the international INTERPOL CONTRACTS AND CONSTRAINTS. Thank you very much....
DeleteYes, it is certainly.... thank you so much... bye bye bye,.... au re voir and merci...
ReplyDeleteAnother quite absolutely free miracle sutram books deposit ‘s link is: please completely free for everybody anyway....
I will tell u the secret of life. The people that live in a very far greening fruiting wonderful ground land is often very benevolent and generous and wealthy at all. My name is greening Field....
ReplyDeleteMore stuff more problems!!!
ReplyDeleteIf you can read these paragraphs and understand them, then u can guess what you should do and what u would do in your future!!! Thank you everyone, you have to know about it very very very carefully at first, then i m sorry, it is really very hard later if u dont prepare them completely anyway!!!! Thank you everybody... bye bye and merci, au re voir!!! SayoNARA....
ReplyDeletePhat danh ton thang da la ni tieng phan:
Ushnisha Vijaya Dharani Sutra.
Taisho Tripitaka volume 19. Page 349, number 967. P353 no.968, p361 no.971, p364 no.972.
Taisho Tripitaka volume 18 page 912 no.906.
Volume 18 page 914 no.907.
The greatest respectable BUDDHA ‘S top crown dharani on purified incantation invocation mantra spelling... is here:
Chúng ta hãy cùng nhau nghiên cứu về Phật Đảnh Tôn Thắng Thần Chú, để chúng ta độ thân nhân từ muôn kiếp của chúng ta.
Bởi lúc Đức Phật Thích ca Mâu Ni sắp nói Kinh Phật Đảnh Tôn Thắng, thì Thiên Đế Thích Đề-Hoàn cùng Thiện Trụ Thiên Tử, cũng như Chư Thiên Tử đến đảnh lễ Phật, và thưa thỉnh:
"_ Bạch Đức Thế Tôn! Chẳng hay Thiện Trụ Thiên Tử đời trước tu phước chi, mà được hưởng sự vui nơi cõi trời trải qua nhiều thời gian như thế? Lại kiếp xưa tạo ác nhân gì, mà sau khi hết phước phải bảy phen đoạ làm thân cầm thú, ăn những thứ bất tịnh, rồi thọ các sự sự khổ nơi đại địa ngục…?"
Đức Phật liền phóng quang, giảng giải lý do Thiện Trụ có phước được lên cõi Trời, nhưng hết Phước vẫn phải đoạ xuống làm Súc Sanh bảy kiếp, rồi kế tiếp phải xuống Địa Ngục.
Phạm vi Pháp Tu này, không thể nói thật đầy đủ hết.
Đức Phật đã biết Thiên Đế và các Thiên Tử sẽ kéo đến hỏi về việc này, nên Ngài họp chúng đệ tử và Bồ Tát đến nói: Kinh Phật Đảnh Tôn Thắng Thần Chú, và Ngài đã dạy cho Thiện Trụ Thần Chú Phật Đảnh Tôn-Thắng để Thoát Nạn đoạ Súc Sanh và Địa Ngục:
Please click on the following link for the full vietnamese translation scripts and mantra and sutra and book, thank you very much:
Kinh ĐỊA TẠNG BỒ TÁT BỔN NGUYỆN TIẾNG ANH - VIỆT VÀ ÂM chinese PINYIN. Please download at the following link to print out:
The ancient Ksitigarbha Bodhisattwa Nice Helpful Beneficient Aid Teaching Doctrine Sutram.
Ngày xưa có một nhà hiền triết bảo học trò của Ngài là, hãy chỉ cần khắc vào 1 tấm bài vị của ta như thế này: "Mọi người thấy không, bản thân tui chết mà không mang theo được gì cả, chỉ những gì tui để lại cho mọi người ở đời, sẽ phục vụ cho tất cả mọi người và tui cảm thấy rất hạnh phúc sau khi chết vì tất cả những việc làm cho cuộc sống mọi người hiện tại và tương lai còn vĩnh viễn... Xin cảm ơn tất cả...".
There is an ancient aristocrat scholar told his students to make only an advertising panel for his death like this: "Please understand that i cannot take anything after i die except something that i did and taught and researched and aided and helped and left for everyone 's life for now and in the future... It is what i get when i die and they make me happy at the moment and forever... So that i m very pleased to see them since my death... Thank you for everyone because of everything...".
ReplyDelete“Wealthy make wonder,
Depletion cause criminal”.
——- suy cho cùng, mọi chuyện đều do nghèo khổ mà ra, hi hi hi ———
Bye bye...
ReplyDeleteThere is an idiom that tell u like this:
ReplyDeleteThere are many sorts of YOGA, IN FACT. For example: RAJA YOGA, HATHA YOGA, CHAKRA YOGA, ...
In HATHA YOGA, there are about primal 3000 (three thousands) yoga asana poses (mean yoga sub-practical bandhana refrained flexible stretch training action exercises).
These are all similar to the very past hundred years ago western european physical exercises but a little bit milder and stretchful skilled requirement. Those are especially suitable for very little ages children everywhere since these re getting many of lessons, guides and teachers. If they practice these exercises so soon then they will be very and very neat, healthy and wonderful.
Depend on the kind of yoga u re practising. There re many sorts of ancient yoga kinds but you should always study and practise RAJA goga. It is a sort of very simple meditation and soft slowly mild breathing. We always need to breath so it s the best way to study how to breath.
We should also learn the primal ancient SANSKRIT YOGA SUTRA for the best referencial understanding somehow.
As a yoga studier u may practise yoga as soon as posible. The best way to study everything never miss praticing.
Hi hi.
Thank you, merci, xie xie and au revoir, adios,... bye....
ReplyDeleteAs i stated many and many times before, in all of these teaching deposites or lectures right here, there are so much of exceeding words or somehow a little bit unmodernized or unupdated, excessive or trouble speechs. And also, there are a lot of missing words or uncompleted definitions or uncleared explanations or unfinished lessons. So, please everyone try to understand the most wised meaning or understanding as well as u can be, and please forget and forgive or abadon the incorrect or false or hard researchs or mistaken bothers in some ways. Almost every usual being is not intelligent enough to make the others turn into the smartest at once, it is a process of life experiance and community study. Thank you very and very much. Merci and au revoir....
We would be calm, and stabilized and mild or neatly smart then we ll be OK.
I m sorry, it is “experience”, not experiance... that is my spelling mistake... bye... sorry... bye...
ReplyDeleteThanks my dears all over the places around the world with all of my best wishes for a quite completely new AERA the next few years and cheers,... I m sure about that, hi hi hi please let a quite waiting and see,... and take your good feelings the next few years, he he he hi hi hi thanks my god... merci and au revoir.... sayoNARA... xie xie... tai chen and bye bye... ... ...
ReplyDeleteThanks my dears all over the places around the world with all of my best wishes for a quite completely new AERA the next few years and cheers,... I m sure about that, hi hi hi please let a quiet waiting and see,... and take your good feelings the next few years, he he he hi hi hi thanks my god... merci and au revoir.... sayoNARA... xie xie... tai chen and bye bye... ... ...
ReplyDeleteĐạo khả đạo phi thường đạo,
Danh khả danh phi thường danh,
Vô danh thiên địa chi thủy,
Hữu danh vạn vật chi mẫu,
.... ..... ...
And the God `s decision, please. Thank you my God.
ReplyDeleteA few hundreds years ago, in the HYMALAYAN MOUNTAIN FOREST JUNGLE FAR AND VERY FAR AWAY, THERE IS A TEMPLE CALLED "A QUIET TEMPLE". YES, IT IS A FACT. The people in that temple and all around those near areas almostly seldom speak or say something. But, actually then can even more understanding each other very and really very carefully about the others' thoughts, need and ideas without any saying.
Sometimes, they may also use some hand or fingers' actions to make the others' heeding cognition knowing.
The people there could make many miracle things such as curing many sicknesses, illnesses, and aid difficult problems or scholar solvencies, actually. They were all quiet but really very and very intelligent and smart, meaning that they were all completely wise and enlightened there at that time. They could make some magics such like the ancient past angels or fairies or BODHISATTWA EVEN.
Yes, really wonderful magics and helpful works for the whole world at the same time. Hi hi hi they were the yogi. Yes, they were yogi without speeches. They were "the miracle quiet yogis" in the past. And now, I thank for all of the updated yogi teachers for all of their nice speakings, lectures, and teachings and wonderful talks for their real patient generous benevolent support without relaxes or tired or bored or even more never retired. The yogis nowadays are really very similar to the very modern scientists and scholars or aristorats. And so, in the other way, the scientists are also the real yogis in fact. Thank you my dears all around the world for your very beneficial study and researches for the communities all around. Thanks again and again. Merci... I beg your pardon that: PLEASE SAVE YOURSELF.
I beg your pardon that: PLEASE SAVE YOURSELF.
ReplyDeletePlease try to practise and practice and well refrain yourself by the physical exercises every and everyday as long as u can be... SINCE YOGA IS A REALLY WORK-IN. IT ISNT A WORKOUT. ACTUALLY, YOGA WORKOUTS JUST FOR BEGINNERS, MERCI MY DEARS all around AGAIN and bye for now, .... please take a glance look at a cat in the way of their meditation and movements and their nap for your best healthy and wealthy whenever you cant see some beings just like the monkey, bear, tiger, deer, grus flamingo crane sarus and turtle tortoise... whenever you get a sick...
ReplyDeleteCố thường vô dục dĩ quan kỳ diệu; Thường hữu dục dĩ quan kỳ kiếu.
Thử lưỡng giả đồng xuất nhi dị danh. Đồng vị chi huyền. Huyền chi hựu huyền. Chúng diệu chi môn.
Bye bye....
Please try to remember about these doctrines, thank you very and very much, sayoNARA AND AU REVOIR,....
ReplyDeletePlease remind ourselves that we would be the yogis... and the yogi should live a yoga live... there are many ways to turn into a yoga journey at all, bye and cheers and best luck for everyone... hi... merci and au revoir...
ReplyDeleteAll the locks should be released, all the limitations should be unbounded... and merci, au revoir, bye bye... sayoNARA, tai chen and xie xie....
ReplyDeleteBYE, AU RE VOIR AND MERCI,... sayoNARA.... Namah saraswatiye golden light dewaye bodhisattwaye buddhayana....
I saw many and many religious practicers or yogis or deans or maseurs, etc., all around many places in the world, staying at home or private places, quite secret areas, are getting much troubles, problems or bad wealthy situations so the whole globe getting much unexplainable disasters and accients, because they are getting bad magical powers u cant belive them, so please please please find the helpful ways to support them like all of my warnings here or it gets worse again.... Thank you all, Ok bye and good luck for all,... Thanks my GOD, HIS HOLINESS,...merci and au revoir,...
ReplyDeletePlease believe in me...
I m sorry "maitress" not maseur, it is wrong spelling again... Hi hi sorry so much...
DeleteI m sorry alot, i beg ur pardon again and again... See u
DeleteIt mean a noble one. Thanks
DeleteOh, it means... Sorry, bye
DeletePlease try to understand me, cheers and au revour...
DeleteI m sorry. That word is “bonne de ma soeur”, merci, au revoir and see u, bye...not maseur wrong spelling, please...
ReplyDeleteI repeat many times again that: in many private, or secret, or hidden places or somewhere else in the world that u can never easily find them or some of them, or only one,.... Bye bye, good luck, merci and au revoir,... Thanks my GOD AGAIN and his holiness..
U cant even see them but in fact, they are all real living human beings .
ReplyDeleteJust imaging that life is a game. But it is not a computer game but a real life magical game with a lot of real friends all around everywhere play on together with habits and regulations... and actual many magical energy powers exactly like in computer games... Then treat it like that but please believe in gods, his holiness, and their real generous humanities and please keep on your beneficient power and benevolent energy and attitude or gratitude then u re all OK at last, thanks, merci, arigato, merci, xie xie, cam on, and tam biet, bye bye and see u....
Whenever u live like a primal innocent kid then u 'll be healthy and pure and easily as a kid be. But when u live with worry then u 'll be unhealthy then... Au re voir, merci and cheers and xie xie and bye and tam biet, hi hi hi.... So U should live like a kid till then... And people would always protect many kids like that and should be generous at all... Thanks and cheers....
ReplyDeleteI mean... Sorry...
ReplyDeleteOk... Thanks my miracle magic gods and his holiness, merci all of my dears all around, and cheers for all, arigato, xie xie,... Tai chen...
ReplyDeleteOk, depend on the dialects pronounce of the places, then "zen" or meditation can speak like: sa ma tha, sa ma dhi, dya an ya, etc., or some other forms,.... Au revoir,...
ReplyDeleteLocal tongue sounds at those specific places...
ReplyDeleteI did tell u about the dialects of the "zen" word or meditation, and now is its pratical way.
It is like u turn ur mindset into the diamond marble sort of feeling, it quite means you have no feeling at all. That also means you dont care of any other things at last. And u dont mind the others else. Then u just train yourself. And just keep watching on your slowly mild breath-in and breath-out as gentle calming slowly as possible, and stop thinking about any other things or others else. At the same time, please keep on your watching focus in front of your nose, and it is OK for you rite if you are always to be so till then...., cheers and merci, bye bye, au re voir...
ReplyDeleteThị dĩ thánh nhân xử vô vi chi sự, hành bất ngôn chi giáo. [2]
Vạn vật tác yên nhi bất từ, sinh nhi bất hữu, vi nhi bất thị,[3] công thành nhi phất cư.
Phù duy phất cư, thị dĩ bất khứ. [4]
You dont need to speak anything while doing, dont need to judge anything while acting, it is automatically happening anyway, yes, that s rite..... So dont be worried please, see u later,... Mean u dont need to mind about anything.... Oh, my god, thanks for my holy god,... And cheers for everybody.... Au re voir...
Oh, i m sorry, you dont need to be unwised while you re doing, and dont need to judge when you re acting,...
ReplyDeleteThị dĩ thánh nhân xử vô vi chi sự, hành bất ngôn chi giáo. [2]
Vạn vật tác yên nhi bất từ, sinh nhi bất hữu, vi nhi bất thị,[3] công thành nhi phất cư.
Phù duy phất cư, thị dĩ bất khứ. [4]
You dont need to be unwised while doing, dont need to judge anything while acting, it is automatically happening anyway, yes, that 's rite..... So dont be worried please, see u later,... Mean u dont need to mind about anything.... Oh, my god, thanks for my holy god,... And cheers for everybody.... Au re voir...
This is the 4 truths:
ReplyDeleteThe 1st truth:
Your body is not clean tidy and healthy and not steadily existent forever.
Their love and their like and their attitude and their thoughts about you that are always changing gradually.
All Everything is just temporary or unstable in changing day by day. Or every occurence is just temporary without any doubt at all.
Your feelings and your need or your desire are always harm you and injure yourself or even hurt you in fact, actually.
Oh, ... Our everyone, please help "That vegan teacher" and so many other teachers everywhere either or the world goes wrong again, merci, arigato, xie xie, xin cam on, thank u and au re voir, bye and see u ...
ReplyDeleteWe should show the weather forecast in animated cartoons and so plenty of wonderful things without any loudly and terribly noisy at all....
Besides storm, there are so many disasters like: earthquake, water floods, thunder storms, etc.,...
A storm in US 's called "hurricane" and a storm in asia is called "tornado", it means "a very powerful whirlwind". I did tell u the ways to cure them, please.... "MAY I HELP U,... AND ETC.,...",...
Cheers and merci and au re voir, see u...
ReplyDeleteThis is the best conclusion: miracle study make wonder while sexual addictive cause sin.
ReplyDeleteThis is the best conclusion than ever: miracle study make wonder while sexual addictive cause sin.
You all dont have to be worried, since my websites at word press .com seemed to be permanent and exist for long forever.
ReplyDeleteOk, just only the lively online youtube broadcasting shows and on-time lively news non-stop broadcasters are commandably infected but the offline clips or past-time youtube videos cant be controlled by these infecting influencial problems or those re no trouble at all. So dont be worried. Cheers and thanks and merci and see u then....thanks...
ReplyDeleteYou can call them invisible charms or some influencial magics, it is really unbelievably incredable but actually, it s quite reasonable in these stages of lives, very especially and extraodinary at the moment to someone, dont wonder why they have to hide themselves away or sometimes GET very frightened of their OWN BAD KARMIC RESPONSIBILITIES or because of their invisible tele-distance evil magics. I call them devil magics, hi hi hi hi hehehe...
ReplyDeleteIt happens in lively broadcasting ONLY. SO DONT BE WORRIED IN SOME CASES.
ReplyDeleteYou have to believe in this research since there were so unbelievable accidents and bad disasters sometimes cant be explained by a usual scientific facts or logical maths calculations. I did experience about this. I reapeat again. U must believe in this study.
ReplyDeleteI used to study our most updated modern scientific subjects like maths, physics, chemistry, those are my favours till now. But i can just explain these bad evil magics by the very ancient well studied research result evidences. And please repeat many times about the words "evidence" and "apperance" as this conclusion. I always impress on again that my most favours was the modern maths, physics, and chemistry and logical science. So sometimes i even cant accept some subjects like history or novel fiction story literatures like a cheat or a kidding joke at all. Thank u so much for your reading, bye, see u later. SayoNARA,...
ReplyDeleteProgramming requires very hard work-load and much life energy for usual.
ReplyDeletePlease dont worry. Just live and keep on like a kid with much cheers and u ll be ok all the ways...
ReplyDeleteNah mahste!!!
ReplyDeleteIt is a little bit hard for some english speakers here, hi hi hi i dont know what to tell u then, he he he, merci and au re voir, bye bye see u... He he he...hihihi...
Đạo khả đạo phi thường đạo,
Danh khả danh phi thường danh,
Vô danh thiên địa chi thủy,
Hữu danh vạn vật chi mẫu,
Cố thường vô dục dĩ quan kỳ diệu;
Thường hữu dục dĩ quan kỳ kiếu.
Thử lưỡng giả đồng xuất nhi dị danh. Đồng vị chi huyền. Huyền chi hựu huyền. Chúng diệu chi môn. (1)
Thị dĩ thánh nhân xử vô vi chi sự, hành bất ngôn chi giáo. [2]
Vạn vật tác yên nhi bất từ, sinh nhi bất hữu, vi nhi bất thị,[3] công thành nhi phất cư.
Phù duy phất cư, thị dĩ bất khứ. [4]
DeleteThey 're a little bit poorful, so please be OK like my individual wish anyway, thank you, and cheers, and xie xie, .... Bye, see u...
DeleteIt ‘s hard to translate this sentence into ENGLISH... I am sorry, au revoir....
And then, stop all the "live news interviews", and stop "nonstop live news reporters" all the way everywhere....
They are all very very very dangerous for now.... If everyone doesnt stop them. ...
ReplyDeleteI am really gratitude to my horoscopes astrologers for your trully generous beneficial helpful boon on me. Merci,.... Xie xie, xin cam on chư vi,.... Hihihihi.... Cheers,...
The population of the ISLAMIC COMMUNITY is nearly one third or one fourth or even more than a half of the whole world population.... I remember about their solvency in the very past. And now, I just repeat it again without any changing.... by the way,... so please don’t be worried... ... please realize about this fact...
ReplyDeleteSolvency means solution here
DeleteThis solution is a chorus repeatedly forever and be ever... merci...
DeleteThank you very much, au revoir,...
ReplyDeleteIf we can make an artificial and database data mining intelligent Robotic policeman robocop serf sergeant then it is very good for the whole world at the moment!!! Is it ok???
ReplyDeleteYou should dig into my websites. Then search for the file called “LANKAVATARA SUTRA”, it is entirely in ancient SANSKIT, and print it out, it ‘s in pdf format... it is the only way to help the MAHAYANA BUDDHISTs to see the primal LANKAWATARA sutra in Sanskrit, especially the CHINESE.... this sutra is collected in the PRIMAL TIBETAN POTALA IN ASIA HYMALAYA MOUTAINS BY THE JAPANESE A LONG TIME AGO...
i ‘m very sorry that i m a pc technician, know the way to encode this book into the UNICODE UTF8 but it seems to me that i ‘m having no more chance or very rare occasion for me now...
Very please to know that u all do that without any (c) or (TM) or (R) inside of this printed book, i hate these signs all the ways....
Ok, thanks for ur boon,... merci, xiexie, arigato,...
Nah mah vô tự chân kinh!
ReplyDeleteHello the world! All of u please listen to me, and u ll be ok all right now!!! Thanks and cheers! See u then.... Please translate my messages here to as many languages as possible to save the actual globe, please and please,... And please...!
ReplyDeleteYes, at the moment, in this period of time or this stage of life, thank you very much, see u ,... Bye bye,...
ReplyDeleteI mean they upload their videos while broadcasting or performancing, it 's called "google youtube live networking upload api functions"....
ReplyDeleteIt should be done by google specialists immediately, rite now!!! Huh???? Hihihi, thanks so much, see u, bye bye,...
ReplyDeleteDCMA = DIGITAL COPYRIGHT MATERIAL ASSOCIATION that means all of these contents are official legally quite well and brilliant and non-violational copyright notices at all. Thank you very much, see u then,...
ReplyDeleteAnd quite freely be ever and forever!!! Thank you, bye, see u,...
ReplyDeleteThese websites here are absolutely free of charge, free of distribution, free of pressing, free of printing, free of seeing, reading, listening, publishing, broadcasting, analyzing, mining, transmission,... etc.,... without any limit at all, merci, thank you, see u later without any of the (c), (r), (tm) signs on these things or these contents anyway.
P/S: to some of the free content managers and court-houses and parliaments, in the western languages, your (c), (tm), (r), signs on free things are the most reasons that make you and I and me and some of the ASIANS cannot easily confederate and wonderfully co-operate, brilliantly work and miracle unite together, but I never want to be so....... bye bye,.... au revoir, see u then,...
When u want to be absolutely safe on the earth, then u have to completely forget everything in this beautiful life at all. That means u have to quite leave everything aside or drop them off finally. Then u should find the best way for ur magical miracle intuitive instinct life at least. It means u re absolutely independent from everything of ur own life.
ReplyDeleteA frog die down its call, a cock chicken die down its singing sound, but a people die down their speeches. Au revoir, see u then,...
ReplyDeleteDo u believe in reincarnation or transmigration?
ReplyDeletePlease listen to me, my advice:
The Lankawatara sutra collected at the ancient BUDDHIST POTALA MONASTERY a very long time ago is exactly like the ancient tradictional CHINESE LANKAWATARA SUTRA VERSION, ...
U always have to remind u every moment that: Cố thường vô dục dĩ quan kỳ diệu;
DeleteThường hữu dục dĩ quan kỳ kiếu.
Thử lưỡng giả đồng xuất nhi dị danh.
Đồng vị chi huyền. Huyền chi hựu huyền.
Chúng diệu chi môn. (1)
Thị dĩ thánh nhân xử vô vi chi sự, hành bất ngôn chi giáo. [2]
Vạn vật tác yên nhi bất từ, sinh nhi bất hữu, vi nhi bất thị,[3]
công thành nhi phất cư.
Phù duy phất cư, thị dĩ bất khứ. [4]
It is the same meaning like the Buddha's ancient SANSKRIT SHURANGAMA MANTRA, rite? If u 've ever read the ancient shurangama mantra in the past in its primal ancient cognitive heed then it is exactly similar in cognition mean?! OK? SO NOW U ALL UNDERSTAND! HIHIHI BYE BYE, AU REVOIR, HIHI HI!!! OHMH, ALE LUH YA, AL LAH, AMITABHA, ARAHATE, AN ALEH, A YOD SHU A H YE, .... HIHIHI EXACTLY THE SAME LIKE,... And many more, bye bye,... Hihihi, cheers,...
ReplyDeleteOhm, omh, auhm, al lah, arahate,... Bye bye,....
ReplyDeleteOh, it is my terribly arabic spellings here, i 'm so sorry for me, bye bye,...
ReplyDeleteTo the vietnamese, if u can understand the ancient sanskrit then it is very ok. INSTEAD, u should study tradictional chinese scripts quite well, it 's called the vietnamese "Nôm" EXACTLY THE same pronounciation like "NAM" CAUSED FROM DEFFERENT REGIONAL TONGUE SOUNDS, OK??? Gió nồm, gió nôm, gió nam, ok???? To the Chinese, the "nôm" scripts 've got a huge number of complex characters that an usual people like me can never imaging about that, the basic scripting of the "nôm" characters are the tradictional chinese scripts ONLY, such like the Lantsa scripts or the rajayana scripts nowadays, au revoir,...
ReplyDeleteSorry: "image" or imaging that i 've never known, i 'm sorry for my spellings again, bye, au revoir,....
DeleteOk, can never be imaging..., alrite???? Hihihihi
DeleteI mean the "nôm" scripts like the LANTSA SCRIPTS, that i 've never learnt both of them yet, those are the really big huge things, i can't do that, bye bye bye, au revoir,...
ReplyDeleteHehehehehe bye bye bye,... Au revoir again au revoir,....
ReplyDeleteOk. To make clear. There are only 2 ports to block of:
Those are:
Firstly, the protocol: RTSP port 554
Secondly, protocol: RTP port ???
I m sorry for just that i ve forgotten the port of RTP protocol here.
OK. And we block only these 2 ports of the RTP n RTSP to the YOUTUBE servers ranges ONLY PLEASE TRY TO REMEMBER ABOUT THIS or it causes many others dangers.
But if u can know the specific youtube server ip address at a geological city then it s really brilliant.
The server can be perform in ip v4 numbers or
The DNS domain name servers alias,
Or a specific ip v4 address,
Try to remember carefully that there are only 2 ports we need to control please, IN ORDER TO PREVENT SOME MURDERS, ACCIDENTS, ETC.,... in some very dangerous specific geological places....
Ok, those telecom co. are Cricket USA, VERIZONE USA, T-mobile, ATT usa, NTT japan, etc.,...
They ‘re the telecommunication companies ports to the Internet,
They use mobile phone application,
Especially, those ‘re the youtube app or some others apps based on youtube communication lively on ports in order to upload videos lively while they are working on or performancing.
I beg u please ask the expert engineers for such more help and aid, please....
P/S: again, if u re really not an expert in computer systems then please think again n again many times before u block any of the routers’ port to the whole world, since sometimes it causes non-operation digital equipments in some un-predictable areas in the world again... so please take care... merci n au revoir.... thank u, bye bye... tai chen...
ReplyDeleteGood luck in ur life... bye bye...
ReplyDeleteIn order to operate more plenty of joy u have to install these firewalls on a pc server operating system like ubuntu linux server in a multiple-racks server pc (very old machines are ok but they will cause high electrical bills cost power consumption). This multi-racks server should be well equipted with as many HIGH SPEED LAN NETWORKING ADAPTER CARDS as possible RUNNING continuously at once in the same time to control everything that many telecom co. routers transmit to the outer internet speedy connections in the whole world. U should consult the expert engineers for more information on how to make a multi-racks firewall server pc like this description, please, merci n cheers n au revoir, good luck n bye 4 now, cheers,...
ReplyDeleteIf u really want to learn bout firewall then there re many really wonderful ones such as: MS ISA 2004 then MS TMG GATEWAY 2012, KERIO, PFSENSE FOR LINUX OS (quite free).
But the telecommunication co. always have the VERY BIG HEAVY CISCO ROUTER OS SYSTEMS TO DO THAT in their way, those are their works or their engineers’ operations anyway..... they should listen to me in this case in order to help the world sometimes in this state of time ONLY.... it s my experience.... thks n cheers n bye... maybe ... ... good luck to all of u from now on... sayoNARA... au revoir.... cheers.... tai chen...
ReplyDeleteThe corona or covid19 are exactly all of the cough cold or fever or cold flu or cold influenza at all, merci, thks and cheers,.... see u again...
ReplyDeleteStandley Rosenberg: Please search for many of the Standley Rosenberg ‘s books and many other simalar authors’ lectures to read more about some of the very especially USUAL WESTERNERS’ stressing SICKNESS for today rite away, thanks and merci and cheers, bye bye, au revoir, see u again,...
ReplyDeleteOK, please dont be hesitated. My experience is that the MS TMG 2012 GATEWAYS ARE REALLY VALUABLE AND much EASIER TO USE than the cisco firewalls, THAT, IN FACT, I can state that, the modernest AM. CISCO ROUTER IN THE WORLD AT THIS PERIOD OF TIME, hehehe, the ONLY big difference is that, about the personel COMPUTERS HARDWARE DURABILITY AND MANTAINANCING AND THE HEADACHE IS about ITS much MONTHLY HIGH ELECTRICAL POWER CONSUMPTION BILLS COST,... hichichic blablabla... otherwise, they can do nearly everything without limit, hehehe, merci n au revoir,... bye for now...
Namah Amitabha....
ReplyDeletePlease read as much as possible all of my comments at the lower underneath position of all of my posts on all of my wesites, please, cheers, ... you can very easy see them whenever you access my websites on your mobile phone web browsers version,... cheers, merci, see u there... bye... please copy my websites addresses images and send them everywhere including this message 4 now.... see u then...
Standley Rosenberg: Please search for many of the Standley Rosenberg ‘s books and many other similar authors’ lectures to read more about some of the very especially USUAL WESTERNERS’ stressing SICKNESS for today rite away, thanks and merci and cheers, bye bye, au revoir, see u again,...
DeleteStandley Rosenberg curing therapy called Craniosacral... for many sorts of stress problems...
More ref:
“The stress code” book of RICHARD SUTTON.
ReplyDeleteTHẬT GIẢ ĐỒNG CĂN, ĐÚNG SAI CHẲNG KHÁC, LÀM SAO MÀ CÓ THẬT HAY GIẢ CHỨ.... hihihhihehehehahaha... vô tư đi....
ReplyDeleteU should try to train urself to be able to get as much as positive energy as possible with just a very limit of resource from now on as soon as posible... the problems in fact, actually, are the lack of all sorts of numerous forms of the positive energy anyway n the most eatable humane pure nature positive energy form in the world at the moment is all kind of the fresh mature natural fruits of the jungle very wild high trees... bye n cheers and au revoir... see u later...
When u all of u have alot of free time, then some of u please dig into all of my cloudy computerized version deposites, n search for the file called saddharma pundarika sutra.mp3 chapter 25 called Avalokiteshwara Bodhisattwa in sanskit n try to listen n understand it in the Chinese scripts... please dont weep whenever u listen to it or u re not my bros n sisters.... bye bye c u then.... please know that it ‘s just machinary version ONLY please....
ReplyDeleteWhen u all of u have alot of free time, then some of u please dig into all of my cloudy computerized version deposites, n search for the file called saddharma pundarika sutra.mp3 chapter 25 called Avalokiteshwara Bodhisattwa in sanskit n try to listen n understand it in the Chinese scripts... please dont weep whenever u listen to it or u re not my bros n sisters.... bye bye c u then.... please know that it ‘s just a machinary version ONLY please....
ReplyDeleteU should also learn by heart the mahayana lotus sutram, too, in order to cure any of ur future weakness, bye, c u ... it called saddharma pundarika sutram in sanskrit... thaks everyone...
ReplyDeleteI was born to this world in order to solve this crazy sickness problems so let believe in and trust me on this, ok? Please hold on my hand and keep on following me, but it s just only on my other websites, and not on this site then, please... such causing coming from sometimes i m getting maid or crazy and say something wrong and incorrect again and again, please pardon me,... bye, see u then,... merci and au revoir... c u later on.... i m sorry that i cant control my own, bye... going crazy again... cheering...
ReplyDeleteU just have to listen to me in this problem for now ONLY and it is ok and alrite for everyone till then also, but i ‘m not sure bout my future speeches again, merci, bye n see u later on...
ReplyDeleteEverybody was born in this world always got their specific duty.... i m a computer technician n here is my role in the world, so please help me on this work whenever u can, but please dont try hard or work on them without a lot of the other support /advices or it gets very dangerous again, merci, thaks n cheers everyone,..., bye... see u later... please just on the networking problems at first, in this state of life or this period of time or at the moment ONLY,.... bye n see u then... good luck... au revoir.... this is actually the work of the telecommunication companies all around the world, please n please n please,... au revoir,...
If u want to know why the ancient NALANDA MONASTERY was destructived in the past bout thousands years ago, please learn about the history of our very respectable venarable ONE, SANTI DEVA, and this ST. Life Living period in the NALANDA TEMPLE area..... then u will understand why it was collapsed and turn into a very past brilliant history of our buddhism... merci and cheers and see u soon, ... namah st. Sati Deva, our respectable one,... our god, our fairy, our love,... see u then,.... bye...
ReplyDeleteI love u our astrologers, my actual grandeurs, siss n bros all over the places n over there for ur very nice n continuously support me without any boring or complaint... hehehe thanks so much,... hehehe ... ur kindly kiddie one.... hehehe... merci and au revoir... cheers....
ReplyDeleteStandley Rosenberg curing therapy called Craniosacral... for many sorts of stress problems...
More ref:
“The stress code” book of RICHARD SUTTON.
Ok, thanks my God... cheers... au revoir, see u later...
ReplyDeleteFor more reference on many of the stress curing therapy please take a look at our Med. Physical Dr. STEPHEN PORGES books and his research on these... merci....
ABOUT our ST. MONK SANTI DEVA LIFE LIVING in the NALANDA BUDDHISM MONASTERY please have a look at this monk history at about thousands years ago,... cheers and merci and au revoir.... see u later.... good luck in ur life... good bye,... hehehe.... namah ST. SANTI DEVA, our angel, our love,.... hihahe bye bye...
P/S: there are many sacred encoded cognition heed in our past mahayana lotus sutra to the east asian people, please study it and learn it by heart very very carefully it helps u later then, it is all beneficent to all everybody around the world,.... namah buddhayana.... cheers... good luck in ur life, bye...
ReplyDeleteMedical Physical Dr. Standley Rosenberg curing therapy called Craniosacral... for many sorts of stress problems...
and Many more books from Med. Physician Dr. STEPHEN PORGES.
For Apple apps please consider to take a look at:
Tai Chi fundamentals.
Chen Taichi Form.
Yang Taichi app.
More ref:
Apple application store: OAK
For Further more please read:
“The stress code” book of Med. Physician Dr. RICHARD SUTTON.
Here is my suggestion: Please read a lot of our westerners’ after death lives to understand much more bout the SADDHARMA PUNDARIKA SUTRA or the mahayana LOTUS SUTRA of the Shakya Mouni Buddha In the past thousands years ago... thank u very and very very much... merci cheers and bye au revoir... see u then...
ReplyDeletePlease find a way to see my sites at co thuoc -Dddd000ttttttttt blog spot —- dddddddd0000000—10...TTTTTT c0m to know more about the mahayana buddhism yeah???? Or at. s at kinh sach -Dddd000ttttttttt word press —- dddddddd0000000—10...TTTTTT c0m to know more about free resources... welcoming....
Here is my message to the ASIAN IMMEDIATELY PLEASE.... I M ACTUALLY FOLLOWED UP n kept tracking BY MANY VERY FAMOUS AND good EXPERIENCE AND WELL KNOWN ASTROLOGERS IN THE WORLD OR SO, so please believe in me in this statement that: there is no pandemic or no covid or no corona at all, and u have to live like your usual again and again, please please please, huh??? ok???? Merci! Bye n au revoir....
ReplyDeleteThere re also some american astrologers’ free support. Merci and thanks n cheers for them rite away, thanks my god... see u later... au revoir n good luck in ur life, bye bye...
ReplyDeleteThere ‘re also some white european american astrologers’ free support. Merci and thanks n cheers for them rite away, thanks my god... see u later... au revoir n good luck in ur life, bye bye...
ReplyDeleteAs i said before to our chinese n some other asian ethnics also.... u have to be just a little bit smarter our dears, please exame so very carefully bout the modernest C.O.P.D COPD SYDROMEs AND ALL OF ITS INFLUENCE to a stressing mind PLEASE N PLEASE N PLEASE N THIS S A VERY INTELLIGENT WAY TO STOP WORRING, bye n dear n cheers n au revoir... see u again... bye... xie xie... i think that this s my last message n my actual present to the whole world.... thank u very much... see u....
I suggest the vietnamese n especially the chinese n the westerners the usamericaners n the korean please study as much as possible bout our miracle ancient “ayurveda doctrines” and its lifestyle.... thks merci n cheers,... for the most possitive energy.... hehehe bye bye...
ReplyDeleteI ve made a lot of spelling n grammatical mistakes here, please pardon me,.... i m so sorry.... i beg ur pardon.... bye, merci n au revoir,....
ReplyDeleteAfter taking a look at so many newest scientific physical statical eletronic megnetic power energy resources, then reading the mahayana Lotus sutram, and many more physical evidence i realize that the past Shakya Mouni Buddha “ancient magical ability” was very much further beyond our understandability, and they are absolutely reasonable and very very very easy “to understand in some cases by our usual ability”. So the modern wolrd citizen people should please believe in me in these statements that: “there is no pandemic”, or no “covid”, or no “corona” for now.
ReplyDeleteZen meditation samadhi phrase: “Wrong or right, is it correct or if it is nice? It is all such a stuff ONLY. And they are just exactly the same thing. So please dont be worried... and dont be anxious just even a little bit of time... it will automatically be nice and OK after just a little while... so please just only wait and see... everything is OK, no problem, see u later...
ReplyDeleteP/S Very important notes: for everybody who always uploads and transmits and broadcasts all of the OFFLINE MEDIA CONTENT, they are really all absolutely SAFE AND VERY WONDERFUL BY THE WAY, SO PLEASE N PLEASE n please PREFER TO TRY always TO UPLOAD OFFLINE MEDIA IF it s POSSIBLE TO be SURE THAT EVERYTHING IS OK AND NICE, and plenty of joy, thank u very much n merci n au revoir, see u soon, bye,...
I ‘m sorry, “somebody” not everybody...
DeleteAbout the english: hehehe careful on spelling mistake:
Delete“somebody” not everybody...
Just need to examine my english again n again hehehehe merci n thanks by the way... see u on these.... hehehehehe...
DeleteIt is a really realy really very magical miracle mahayana LOTUS SUTRA whenever u ‘ve read n know the way of a death people live that is going on and many wonderful angels’ beneficent helpful works n the modernest generous magical invisible being technology and very humane ancient knowledge for the whole international people citizen. I ‘m truly very glad if someone can learn the universal technic mahayana LOTUS SUTRA, merci, cheers n au re voir,....Namah mahayana buddhayana saddharma pundarika sutram.... namah the ancient sanskrit ayurveda sutram.... namah the ancient sanskrit yoga sutram.... namah the ancient sanskrit upanisha sutram....
ReplyDeleteI say again: the universal modernest technician outer space ancient mahayana wonderful SHAKYA MOUNIYE LOTUS SUTRAM all the way, merci, n thks so much, adios, xie xie, and au revoir, tai chen....
ReplyDeleteI say again: the universal modernest technician outer space of all of the stars ancient mahayana wonderful SHAKYA MOUNIYE LOTUS SUTRAM all the way, merci, n thks so much, adios, xie xie, and au revoir, tai chen....
I ‘m really very glad to see that if u can create a huge comfortable aerospace flying craft object all the way, merci, n cheers n tks for reading, hehehehe, cheering again, bye bye,... see u soon,...
ReplyDeleteSuggestion: please made it with much of the electrical sun solar energy modules, please, merci n bye bye ... cheers,....
ReplyDeleteU should also learn by heart the mahayana lotus sutram, too, in order to cure any of ur future weakness, bye, c u ... it called saddharma pundarika sutram in sanskrit... thaks everyone...
About the saddharma pundarika sutram, u should study the tradictional chinese scripts version or the “vietnamese Nom” version or our original Sanskrit version if u ‘re fluently in ancient sanskrit language then, thanks and cheers and bye bye,... see u later ... good luck, it ‘s a very miracle mahayana universal lotus sutra if u can understand bout it, merci and au revoir,.... cheers,... see u ....
Please find a way to see my sites at co thuoc - D _-/\-_ T blog _/\_ spot —- dDd0o10...T co0m to know more about the mahayana buddhism. Or at s at kinh sach d-/\-t word __/\__ press —- dDd0oO010...TtT c0om to know more about free resources... welcoming....
Everybody should immediately learn by heart the mahayana wonderful Lotus Sutram,.... as soon as possible, or at least find the way to listen always to this miracle sutram all the time from ur earphones or earbuds or headphones to get the most understandable beneficent pretended supposing atitude like the sutram to ur usual everyday lifestyle all the time to get into the bodhisattwa generous opinion at all, thank you, merci and au revoir, see u ....
ReplyDeleteEverybody should immediately learn by heart the mahayana wonderful Lotus Sutram,.... as soon as possible, or at least find the way to listen always to this miracle sutram all the time from ur earphones or earbuds or headphones to get the most understandable beneficent pretended supposing atitude like the sutram to ur usual everyday lifestyle all the time to get into the bodhisattwa generous opinion at all, thank you, merci and au revoir, see u ....
ReplyDeleteNah maste... Namah The ancient sanskrit original Ayurveda Sutram and its doctrine.... OHHM nah ma Ohhm... this sutram can actually accomplish all of the very crowding high statistical pregnancy attaining rates in many areas of the ASIA AND ALL OF THE CONTINENTS AROUND THE WORLD NOWADAYS, i mean decrease this statiscal estimated value and some aggressive murder numberical rates in all nations around the world for now also, merci.... oauhm nah ma oauhm....
Cheer up to all of our publication pressing and printing houses around the world,... thanks and cheers....
ReplyDeleteIt means u should ONLY avoid garlic, shallot, onion, leeks and all dairy products and all derivative things made of them anyway n in anycase at all n u should have such fresh fruits like a desert all the way, au revoir,... cheers,...
Please copy this above message and send it evrywhere to tell people about these, ok, thks so much.... bye.... see u...
DeleteNah maste... Namah The ancient sanskrit original Ayurveda Sutram and its doctrine.... OHHM nah ma Ohhm... this sutram can actually accomplish all of the very crowding high statistical pregnancy attaining rates in many areas of the ASIA AND ALL OF THE CONTINENTS AROUND THE WORLD NOWADAYS, i mean decrease this statiscal estimated value and some aggressive murder numberical rates in all nations around the world for now also, merci.... oauhm nah ma oauhm....
DeleteIt means u should ONLY avoid garlic, shallot, onion, leeks and all dairy products and all derivative things made of them anyway n in anycase at all n u should have such fresh fruits like a dessert all the way, au revoir,... cheers,...
Ok, these things are coming the ALLIUM SPECIES OF THE ALLIACEAE GRASS FAMILY. Merci n cheers n bye....
ReplyDeleteIf u understand what i mean here, then u will know how to listen to evryone sounds in the ways of the BUDDHA FAMILY RELATIONSHIP MEMBERS activities and actions and daily live living as they used to be in yours or in their past life living than ever, merci and cheer up and smiling please.... now u actually understand about the “qwan shir yin” methodologies ways of daily life living,... cheers, congratulation n good luck in ur life, bye for now..... the “qwan shir yin pu sa used to live in these ways,.... namah qwan shir yin pu sa... nam mo qwan shir yin pu sa ways of daily life living, .... congratulation for smart understanding.... good luck....
Like my experience and estimating, u can absolutely record a full length 1080i video cilp with a lot of the video colorful effects for about 120 minutes to a SD MEMORY CARD CLASS 10 (Ultra 1 transmision speed) without any problem and very very easy at all just after a while..... (720 px x 1080 px).... full lenght.
ReplyDeleteI havent tried yet, but i think that we still can use a memory card to record a full lenght 1080p video wthout any trouble with the modern handy camcorder actually right now, why dont u try it, it is just depend on ur phone graphical video processing chipset and ur video recorder memory card socket slot.... try to remember bout SD CARD CLASS 10 transmitting speed (ULTRA 1). For the full lenght 120 minutes pupular 1920 px x 1080 px clips. Merci and thanks... c u...
U should believe in these doctrines now, what i m telling u here, u have to teach and give the others as soon as possible in this state of life rite away, ok, please copy and paste my messages here to tell the others to prevent much more danger for the whole world 4 now n 4 the future, merci n thanks, bye, c u,.... i mean copy n paste evrywhere n ok!!! Thanks n cheers,...
ReplyDeleteAs scientific statistics, estimating and exact calculations that told us about: 70% of all of ur own body energy and actually ur possitive abilities spent on ur own braining thoughts and mind works and thinking and many more brain activities inside of ur head n ur body absortions and leaking out thru all of ur senses.... so that people always need to do quite meditation by their own whenever it is possible for their own energy and strenght recovery, merci and thanks n cheers,...
I m sorry absorptions
DeleteOk, if someone followed my instructions in English from the very beginning of my research for now.... then u have to realize that i was all sincered in all of my comments rite here.... u should always believe in these.... they called actually: “the secrets of THE EARTH” or “our GLOBE....”. U might keep them all in order to cure for and care for our EARTH OR THE MOTHER EARTH IMMEDIATELY OR otherwise we have not got the earth to live on again, please remember to me that i was faithful, n my duty to come to this earth is that, to cure for and mending and fixing our earth for now... please, u have all to believe in me in the ways to cure for and develope our globe or the earth or the mother earth or mother nature all please, i have no more time, and thanks for reading, please try to remember that i found the method to cure the earth again, merci and cheers evryone.... please try and keep in mind bout that.... i didnt joke... bye .... thanks....
ReplyDeleteThe world people should always learn by heart all of the tradictional chinese scripted or the “Nom scripts” MAHAYANA BODHISATTWA SUTRAM AND ESPECIALLY OUR ANCIENT SANSKRIT AYURVEDIC SUTRAM AND THE LAKAWANTARA SUTRAM and the most ancient primal sanskrit YOGA SUTRA in order to protect themself for now n for the future.... bye for now... good luck in ur life.... please remember bout: “there is no shirt or clothes or garment or shoes size that fits all” i m so sorry... namah the most miracle saddharma pundarika sutram good luck again n merci n cheers... best luck 4 ur future n bye for now...
I m sorry : “themselves” not “themself”....
DeleteGrandeurs, please help our japaneses and the phillipines in my research here, merci and au revoir ...
ReplyDeleteI mean, my granduers, please teach the most perfect english language to our japanese MEN and Our perfect tradictional Chinese scripts to our dear phillipnes all the way, it is brilliant...
ReplyDeleteTo our dear Chinese n some other dear east asia ethnic places: please listen to my suggestion to treat all of ur works of this epidemic name and curing methodologies to our very ancient tradictional east asian familiar chinese names that we used to know in the very past and old curing therapy doses anyway in order to make u calm forever or it gets ur troubles by the way, please dont call it as a Westerners’ brand new virus name and IN LATIN CHARACTERS word for odding feelings, merci n cheers n thanks again.., first of all it would come from the news and broadcast stations and all communities, merci n cheers, bye bye, c u...
P S: cough, or cold influenza or flu fever are very ancient usual epidemic.
ReplyDeleteAbout the wars now... As someone can make the automatic attacking machines in the future... So please, our C/C++ programmers now, please do some traces or tracking abilities fingerprint code to all of our core operation system files immediately by the simplest Artificial Intelligence and BIG DATA STATISTICAL ANALYTICS code and simple algorithm functions to our OS CORE contributions just like BLACKBERRY, UNIX, LINUX, RASPBERRY PI OS PROJECT, the REACT OS ... Etc and so on... The past MS-DOS core files are IO.SYS, MS-DOS.SYS, COMMAND.COM. The WINDOWS OS are: some dll(s) files in the WINDOWS and SYSTEM32 or system folder: user.dll, user32.dll, run.dll, run32.dll, gdi32.dll, win.exe, explore.exe, .... The Linux(es) OS get some similar core files also. Either some Unix(es) distributions or some other OS(es) like the Raspberry Pi and BlackBerry and others make just quite possible. While we are getting older and older... I do not know if it is rite???
OK, thanks and bye for now... Cheers and please be happy anyway just like the JESUS Christ used to tell us like this: "Now please see... Please take a look at our birds and animals in the sky and in our forest jungles... They dont have to work or do or have a job or career but they still live well and very healthy without any worry like the modern people. They are always getting full of grain kinds and eatable seeds and roots and plants and fruits to have anyway without any doubt at all just a little bit, huh!!! and actually, it'll be and it'll be forever and be ever", so please do and please do our dears here and now... Thank you very much for your reading... Bye-bye... Hi hi hi good luck and cheers anyway... au revoir tam biet xie xie and tai chen... Bye!
Mean u should create “multi functional purposes C/C++ api codes in all of the places” in all of our major and even minor OPERATING SYSTEMs’ core files for TODAY AND for ALL of them IN THE PAST, too, very thanks n merci and bye, sayoNARA, c u then,... happy done... wishing ur success.... cheers,...
In order to make ur computer programing jobs much smoothier and easier, u should use a C/C++ code organizer and manager and descripter tool to deal with millions lines code.... GITHUB is so very simple and unadaptable enough for now for these jobs.... for low quality network connection, merci and thank u very much for these and cheering again n again.... remember to get as much relaxed mind as possible to remain a healthy life and a better fresh atmosphere working ability.... happy a new day.... c u then... bye...
Please tell all other people in the china mainland and their territories access my websites thru OPERA web BROWSERS OR ANY VPN OR FREEWAY SOFTWARE OR HOLA SOFWARE IN PC WINDOWS or any other VPN services by the way, they block some google servers or services ONLY to their networking portals and it is quite very reasonable n smart n intelligent in these decisions and very merci n cheers n thanks, bye....
ReplyDeleteau revoir...
That is the Only dangerous YOUTUBE LIVE STREAMING functions.
ReplyDeleteJust because i never want to have any more accidents all the way, merci n thanks a lot...
ReplyDeleteWhy dont u try to study bout our primal generous ancestor buddhist Pharaoh Akhenaten thousands years ago, our dears, hehehe cheers n au revoir,... c u then...
ReplyDeleteU should say or write down like: “our Akhenaten ‘s chambers”, n please dont say “our Akhenaten ‘s castle”, not castle.... merci n thanks, bye bye,....
DeleteYeah, it is correct, our greatest Akhenaten, merci n thanks n cheers,....
DeleteShould ONLY , please
ReplyDeleteThe tradictional chinese scripts or “Nôm” scripts of the SADDDHARMA PUNDARIKA SUTRAM TRANSLATION IN THE VERY PAST WAS COMPILED BY OUR PAST SON KUMARAJIVA OF OUR WESTERNERS PERSAN COUTRIES princess, he was very smart and intelligent and talented.... in TRADICTIONAL CHINESE ABILITY so that the people please be proud of and confident to learn by heart our tradictional chinese version of the mahayana LOTUS SUTRA and peacefully living to our derivative persian islamic people nowadays... they are actually coming from our westerners derivative citizens in the past.... merci n cheers n thanks, bye n c u then .... please tell them bout these doctrines
There are alot of spelling mistakes in all of my scripts rite here, but they are really very easy to see and correct so please pardon me to automatically understand bout it, yeah, please.... merci evry one... bye.... c u... then... hehehe...
ReplyDeleteOur Chineses are always ready to sell all sorts of the newest large capacities and very high speedy SD memory flash NAND modules at a very very very cheap prices everywhere, so what dont u buy some, our broadcasters n journalists evrywhere by the way. And i think that there are many of the newest very high speedy portable handy camcorders that they are using all of the offline SD HIGH SPEEDY N CAPACITIES memory cards for sure anyway... why dont u use them such their prices are so very n very cheap n very durable eventually in a very hot or cold weather atmosphere for long usage by the way, merci and thanks so much... c u then...
ReplyDeleteI used to be ancient tradictional herbal physician med. workers for some of my previous past lives, so please listen to and trust me on this epidemic, and i can ensure that these are just usual epidemics ONLY please n please n please... ok? Merci n c u then...
ReplyDeleteU know bout this but u must not stop help them! Ok?!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteU should all believe in me on this epidemic... OK,.... there are some funny ghosty spirits are very closed to and always keep watching on and smile very cheerful to me also, so please trust me on these epidemics or so, please, u will be OK anyway! merci n cheers n bye, c u then hehehehehehahahahaj,....
ReplyDeletenah maste Lively living thousands of billions of trillions of kothi of BUDDHAs AND BODHISATTWAs ON THE EARTH AND ALL AROUND THE WORLD, merci and cheers for all, thanks, n bye.... hehehehe... bye...
it ‘s all the same greetings for all of our sanghas and our dharma also all the way, cheer up and merci n bye bye c u then...
U have to believe in me for today, or otherwise u will have to believe in me in the next following years, hehehehehahahahahaj,....
ReplyDeletenamah the most miracle magical mahayana saddharma pundarika Lotus Sutram, the evidence of the nonstop lives re-incarnation and transmigration,... namah mahayana lotus sutra... the lives on the earth, outer spaces, and especially, hehehehehahahahaj, the lives after death, hehehe, cheers, merci, n au revoir,....
i really love n trust on u, my wonderful trillions of kothi buddhas, numerous bodhisattwa and actually lively dharmaS, sanghaS and friends, religioners, n deans, st. and angels, n very lively fairies n unlimited living spirits, etc., all everywhere in the world from the very past ancient time and nowadays and all the brand new future brilliant lives,.... hehehehe merci n au revoir,....
today, there are also a lot of misunderstand cognition heed that are coming from many other resources that i ‘ve never known, n one of these resources is the hard to deal with automating software robots... yeah, our software, i said my softwares, i m a pc programmer, are not intelligent enough, so that they are usually causing misunderstand and sometimes problems to some people on the internet, i m so sorry and please pardon me for these,...
Programming is a hard job, n sometimes it is not interesting at all, it requires the complete co-operations and confederation anyway, but programming in C/C++ is somewhat an art and a little bit easy and neatly and smart and hehehehehahahaj and especially, as much programmers n tools as possible for a huge work, i cannot say something more, au revoir,...
I such love the films such like: robotic transformer or the SUPER SONIC, etc., and very huge energic magical outer space craft transporter n so on... just like my rich imagination in the past by the way, cheers... bye bye... n merci...
ReplyDeleteThe gods never want to be in the heaven, gods angels always want to help beings anyway to create an actual comfortable heaven on the earth in their truthful love....
ReplyDeleteFrom the very ancient time till now, there is a tree that called: the willow tree used like a toothbrush branch without toothpaste needing anyway like today... Since our willow tree is including a lot of saponin, there are a lot of kalium, calcium and so many other fresh natural caroten and hydroxidant derivative substances like a toothpaste using feeling but much better, etc., very good for a heathy tooth condiction. Their branches are very bendable n flexible to make a simple flowers or med. herbal storage basket in the past, hehehehe, yeah, a container for a clever handmade craft-work person,.... hehehehe, cheers n merci... .... bye... (sometimes it called a weep willow tree, since it looks like a funny greening hairy tree from the distance).... hehehehe....
U should have no feeling whenever u see them, only such because it really looks like a very big funny toothbrush, doesnt it? do u believe it? Hehehehe.... sometimes i cant stop laughing when thinking bout this, cheers n bye...
au revoir....
DeleteHehehehe i ‘m cheering to all of our Williams all over the places n merci n thanks for them so much,.... hehehe c u soon... P S: our BUDDHAS usually got blue eyes in the past... hehehe ....
ReplyDelete“Asthma disease”: reasons cause asthma are: stress, worry, unemployed, stay up late, dusty, smoke, uncleaned atmosphere environment, allergic identity elements, bad smells, bad feelings, wine, meat, fish flesh, animal products, animal grease, animal oil or birds products, animals’ things, bad weather, very dirty or untidy places, car smoke, motobike oil, bad environment condictions, hard working,... etc.,...
N also including many of the poisonous and chemical toxics, etc., n so on,...
DeleteIn the 1950s, the white Westerners n americans practiced the meditation very often evrywhere in the world. A lot of them were many many politicians and scientists and students and med. DR., n health workers. And they got a lot of vegan people in the early 1800s.... but some of the ASIAN PEOPLE never knew that OUR JESUS CHRIST all told us to be quite vegan people in all of THE JESUS CHRIST BIBLE AND A LOT of BOOKS OF SO MANY AND MANY SAINTs by the way,... merci and thanks for my God...... but u cant believe it when i say that there were so many white westerner scientists or DR. Or Professors practised meditation evryday since the very early 1800s or even earlier,....
ReplyDeletemerci n thanks for them....
ReplyDeleteVeganism: Today, there are so many westerner athletes are quite vegan. They are including many sports trainee and trainers, med. DR., teachers, pharmacists, all of the meditation teachers, zen teachers, some actors or singers, a lot of professors n scientists, especially all YOGA TRAINEE N TRAINERS, all tai chi trainers n trainee, many body make-up artists, writers, directors, managers, a lot n a lot,... etc., i ‘m so lazy to list all of them here,... some of them never tell u bout that, i just dont know why, maybe coming from their “shy”, hehehehe.... some are just only vegetarian just because of their very special “environments”, but all of our very modern “trainors”, hehehe i think they ‘re completely vegan just because they are practising and research on yogi, tai chi, zen, meditators, religioners, etc.,... so please,.... whenever u see them or even if they are just your visitors or guesses, please politely give the vegan foods and drinks, all sorts of vegan drinks like my above guide. They cant tell u bout that, they cant ask for what they need. Very often that they are just so shy on these.... so that they really cant tell u on these... please be generous and politely whenever they are ur visitors on THIS, and as i said.... many of them cant tell u about this, just because they are visitors or guesses. They really cant tell u about that. So please be kind and automatically give them the vegan foods and drinks, merci and thanks for u whenever u do that, bye bye n cheers and please,.... c u then, our dears,...
P S: they made soya milk of all kinds to replace animal milk dairy for all recipes. About the greening food that looks like a ‘greening bean plant “eggs substance” or that yellowist mixture’, please take a look at our “very fluently english speakers” evrywhere in the world.... hehehehe merci n bye bye, c u then,....
ReplyDeleteSome of the american or westerner vegan writers are “very secretly” protected or agreed or eventually “secret guarding” by many of the westerners governments or organizations identities.... u can never know about these, it ‘s just because the benefit and saving of all of the quite vegan economy and their very effective management and academic scholar-tic vegan industry anyway,.... hehehe, merci n au revoir, bye bye,... yeah “very very very secretly” than ever,....
ReplyDeleteMore over, a quite vegan economy and societies are smarter neatly, unique, independent be ever and forever,.... for very long time planners.... but not like other very simple poor “bloody killing works”....... he he he he.... au revoir.... bye bye....
DeleteMaybe this is the last time i tell u bout this, u should copy n paste exactly “what the things” hehehe i told u here to all of my westerners out there. Some of the most reason is that i cant tell or speak to them rite now, especially to our white westerner MEN, please, merci and au revoir.... hehehe let ‘s believe in my english,.... etc., i trust u all, he he he etc., ..... au revoir...
ReplyDeleteCheers,... bye...